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Kurser i personlig utveckling, självkännedom och inre ledarskap


Self-esteem is about your sense of value as a person. You usually distinguish between self-esteem and self-confidence where self-confidence is more about whether you believe in your ability to perform in different situations and contexts. Self-esteem comes from within, what do you think of yourself regardless of the affirmation of others. Self-confidence comes more from outside, it is strengthened by confirmation from others and by the fact that you can do what you undertake.

Strong self-esteem and good self-confidence

The combination of strong self-esteem and good self-confidence creates a stable foundation and a rich life. When you know within yourself that you are just as valuable even if you fail, you dare to challenge yourself while prioritizing recovery when needed. A stimulating balance. With a good self-confidence, you see adversity as challenges rather than failures and you know you have the opportunity to make the changes needed to have a good life. A good self-esteem makes you less vulnerable to external circumstances and not as dependent on what others think of you.

You are shaped by your upbringing.

Self-esteem is based on childhood. It builds up when you feel loved and receives confirmation and appreciation regardless of performance. Growing up in a safe environment without aggression and threats is important. Having the opportunity to develop at your own pace is also something that contributes.

Performance-based value

If you have a weak self-esteem, it is often compensated with a so-called performance-based self-esteem. This means that as long as you perform in selected parts of life, you feel good in yourself. Maybe you're a careerist and a great perfect parent. You always stand up for your friends and you never say no to social contexts or happenings. Unfortunately, constantly performing and pushing yourself like this often leads to collapse in one way or another. When you can no longer maintain what gives you value, your whole self-image fails and you end up in a crisis. That's because you lack a self-esteem that comes from within. Your value depends on external circumstances and achievements. It's performance-based. With a low self-esteem, you become more vulnerable to depression, anxiety, anxiety and exhaustion.

Can you strengthen your self-esteem?

The great thing about the crow song is that self-esteem can be built up. You can find love for yourself and see your worth completely regardless of your achievements. When performance is not crucial to your own value but has a healthier place and function in life. Where you perform based on desire and where you feel just as good regardless of the outcome. Then there is ease and relief.
On our courses in self-knowledge and internal leadership, you will get to delve into topics such as thoughts feelings and needs for a little over a week. You get to look back at your childhood and your relationship with yourself and the world around you. In a safe and maintained environment with our competent group leaders and assistants, you are invited to a transformational process to find that inner security, power, joy of life and love.