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Kurser i personlig utveckling, självkännedom och inre ledarskap


You usually distinguish between self-confidence, self-esteem and self-image. Self-confidence is the belief in your own ability. This means that you have confidence that you can do what you are doing. Furthermore, self-esteem is about how you value yourself regardless of your achievements. That is, your basic value. Finally, the self-image summarizes who you think you are, including how you think others perceive you. It changes through life and is influenced by both self-esteem and self-confidence.

The combination of self-confidence and self-esteem

Self-confidence motivates you to try new things because you know you have the capacity. With a good self-esteem, you are not afraid to fail. Because you know that your value is not in your achievements. The combination of strong self-esteem and good self-confidence makes you unstoppable. 

It is much easier to strengthen faith in your own ability with a strong self-esteem. It makes you dare to try it out.This is because you have nothing to lose when you know you are just as valuable even if you fail. However, good self-confidence and strong self-esteem do not always have to go hand in hand. Self-esteem is based on childhood. You could say that self-confidence does too. However, while self-esteem is deeply rooted and more of a challenge to build, self-confidence is more variable. Both through life and between different situations.

Abusing your self-confidence

A weak self-esteem is often compensated by good self-confidence. It's called a performance-based self-esteem and means you feel valuable as long as you perform. Self-confidence in itself is not a bad thing. It is the fact that you use it as compensation for a low self-esteem that can become destructive. It can drive you to total exhaustion. Feeling value based on how you perform is not very healthy or sustainable in the long term. When you value yourself based on how you perform, it can be difficult to feel good in situations where performance is not possible. Expempelvis if you find yourself in a crisis, retire, become unemployed or long-term ill.

That being said, a strong self-confidence does best in combination with a strong self-esteem. You can have both.

Believing in yourself

By succeeding in what you undertake, your self-confidence will automatically be strengthened. To actively strengthen your self-confidence, you can benefit from setting goals. Both short-term and long-term. Goals that you can tick off make it easier to see what you are achieving. The truth is, of course, that you can do a lot of things all the time. However, if you don't believe in your ability or are used to just driving on, it can be hard to see it. Written goals help you see black and white that you can do significantly more than you think.

At Revitalized courses in in-depth self-knowledge and self-development, you get to take a closer look at all aspects of yourself and feel your enormous capacity under safe conditions.