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Personal development

Kurser i personlig utveckling, självkännedom och inre ledarskap

What does personal development mean?

Personal development means becoming more aware of yourself and your behaviors, strategies, and characteristics. It is to actively choose which path you want to go. A cornerstone of personal development is increased self-knowledge. When you become aware of yourself, how you work and understand your needs, you can act on them and thus develop.

Working with personal development

Are you afraid of being like your father or mother? The difference between passive personal development and active development is that you make the process conscious and actively direct it in the direction you want. To develop in the right direction, you first need to answer questions such as: Who do you want to be? How do you want to be? Can you love every part of yourself along the way, even the parts you want to change?

Do you follow your own or others' values?

What are your own values and what are others' values? It's important to understand that your first thought of what you want isn't necessarily what you want. To find your core values, you need to be open and honest with yourself. You need to look at where you go with the stream even though you may not really want to, what you choose not to do because of your own fears and what you do because it is expected of you. It's time to peel off what others would think and what you've had inculcated since childhood. The constant influx of information and opinions from social media makes it difficult to listen to your own voice. Standing up for yourself is a cornerstone of personal development. That's why it's so important that you get to know yourself. Many people feel lost in today's society precisely because they "just do" and follow the current.

Why should you love yourself and be personal?

An important part of the process is to truly respect and embrace all parts of yourself, even those you don't like. When you see that all your behaviors and strategies have had a survival value and fulfilled a function in your life, you will be kinder to yourself. Now that you're an adult, they don't perform the same function. Only when you make it aware can you choose to do differently and replace old, now destructive behaviors with new and functional ones. That's what is personal development.

It's easier to change something that you've accepted and that you can feel tenderness and respect for than something you despise. Contempt and condemnation are the same as non-understanding. When you try to change something without first realizing why you do what you do, your subconscious mind will try to hold on to the old. Only when you love yourself can you change the thoughts and behavior of yourself that you don't like. With love, you develop your personality. The behavior is there for a reason, even if in the current situation it is more destructive than fulfills its original purpose. Once you understand why you do what you do, you can change from a safe place where you know what you need to do differently to fulfill the function that your behavior or strategy once fulfilled. It will be safe.