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Meditation course

Courses in personal development, self-awareness and inner leadership

What do you learn on a meditation course?

Meditation is an ancient technique that involves quieting your mind and observing what is happening. It provides both physical and mental relaxation and is a phenomenal way to buffer stress and gain an increased understanding of oneself. Many choose to take a meditation course to get an introduction and learn different techniques. If you've already started meditating, you might recognize the initial frustration that many people experience and maybe you were horrified to notice how many thoughts you actually have, all the time, constantly.

Create distance to your thoughts

Fortunately, meditation is not about shutting off your thoughts, but about noticing and observing. It creates a distance and over time you find it easier to relate to your own world of thought. You realize that you are not your thoughts but that your thoughts are just your way of valuing, assessing and interpreting your reality. Then you can also take them less seriously. You listen to everyone but actively choose which ones give you positive and which ones give you negative energy.

Different meditation techniques

You can perform meditation in many different ways. Sitting, standing, walking, shaking or dancing. In silence or with someone's guidance. With or without music. The techniques are endless. What suits you is individual and can vary during different periods of life. 

Is our course a meditation course?

Meditation is an important pillar during our advanced courses self-awareness and inner leadership. It is a way to integrate and increase awareness, not just in the moment but over a longer period of time. Incorporating a meditation practice into everyday life increases your resistance to stress and makes you more focused and balanced. When you have completed a week-long course with us, you have had the chance to try a number of different ways of meditating and have taken with you tools to maintain a regular meditation practice, one that suits you.