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Our courses

Courses in personal development, self-awareness and inner leadership

Our courses

Vitalisera offers advanced courses in deep personal development and self-awareness. The purpose of the courses is to deepen contact with your feelings and needs and allow you to understand the motivations behind your thoughts, reactions, and behaviors in everyday life. You’ll get to examine what you need to free yourself from harmful and destructive patterns in life. You will acquire tools to aid in creating a more sustainable way of living, and discover how you can build harmonious relationships with yourself and others.

Our three different course stages build upon each other, but it isn’t necessary or required to take all three—many feel that Stage 1 is enough.

Step 1 Meet yourself at a deeper level

The first step forms the core of Vitaliseras activities and focuses on your current life situation in light of your early history. During the week, you will reconnect with yourself and explore your behavior patterns, feelings and needs. The week is about meeting and understanding yourself deeply, in acceptance, compassion, presence and love.

We use powerful therapeutic methods that help you get down into your body and go beyond your intellect. The course is very staff-intensive so that you feel safe enough to go deep and perhaps face the most forbidden and inhibited sides of your personality. The week is planned down to the smallest detail and the exercises give you the opportunity to get in touch with, accept and experience a large part of your emotional register, such as e.g. your anger, sadness, despair, panic and anxiety. You get the opportunity to get rid of some of your inner stress and find your way back to your life energy and rediscover the meaning of your life. Your inner child and what he or she needs plays a big role during the week.

Many of our participants think it is quite sufficient to go through Step 1. There is thus no requirement to go through all three steps. You decide that entirely yourself.

a happy mother holds her sleeping baby son by a beautiful lake

Step 2 Release old behavioral patterns

During our second course, you get to know your inner child even more. You get the opportunity to visit your own upbringing and history, where you process your relationship with your parents, siblings and other people important to you. This week will give you insight into how your childhood and your family have influenced you and how you can free yourself from patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you. Because your upbringing affects you in many aspects of your life and in all of your relationships, it a central part to take a closer look at so that you can develop from where you are today.

Your work during Stage 2 usually leads to a sense of reconciliation that makes it easier for you to understand your own thoughts and behavior patterns. When you reconcile with your past, you often gain greater peace and a connection with your inner power that allows you to develop into a more independent and loving individual. An additional consequence that usually comes with liberating one's own inner child is that you get a greater contact with the playful and spontaneous within you.

Step 2 is a natural continuation of the process you went through during step 1. Many testify that this course ties things up and that after this step they can develop into a more independent individual who dares to show their feelings and stand for their opinions even more . To go Step 2, you first need to have done Step 1.

Step 3 You and your adult relationships

Stage 3 is about your relationships as an adult. You get to dive deep into, among other things, sexuality, intimacy, communication, boundaries, needs, masculinity, femininity, attachment patterns and conflict management. You get tools to be able to get close to all that beauty you long for and let it grow in a relationship. The week helps you understand your own needs and behaviors in relation to someone else. Together we create a safe environment with trust, boundaries and respect where you get the opportunity to blossom as who you are in meeting others; in genuine close encounters where the zest for life can flourish.

Stage 3 is a bit like a dessert to the other two courses. It is life-affirming, loving and juicy at the same time as it gives you the opportunity to face all your wounds and fears that can be triggered in an adult relationship in a safe and permissive environment. 

Stage 3 is very nice to go with your partner, but is also suitable for those who long for a relationship. 

In order to take Step 3, you need to have completed both Step 1 and 2. Namely, you need to have gained an understanding of your own childhood patterns in order to be able to work during this week on how you relate to others as an adult.