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What makes our course different from UGL?

Courses in personal development, self-awareness and inner leadership

Well-being organizations are led by well-being leaders and employees

Knowing all the scientific theories and intellectually knowing what you need to feel good is one thing. To really internalize it and deeply feel all that stuff you've read about is quite another. When you feel good, those around you feel good. Regardless of whether it concerns family, friends or co-workers. With us, through various exercises and methods, you will come into contact with your body and your whole inner being. You get to go down from your head and into your whole self. Your mood is so much more than just a product of thought.

Many people in business and the public sector are offered courses in leadership. The majority of leadership courses offer tools and training where you get the opportunity to handle different situations in your workplace based on different strategies. An example of a well-established concept is Utveckling Grupp Ledare (UGL), which was developed by the University of Defense. Among other things, UGL increases awareness of you as a person, and how you act and are perceived by others. You reflect and act based on logical reasoning rather than actively linking reactions and behaviors to emotions. You practice acting more in your head than in your body.

An authentic leader has the ability to step down from the head and enter the body and their emotions. Many of us live far too often in our heads. It must be analysed, reasoned and conclusions drawn. And of course it is good in the right context and at the right time. But when we start applying this analyzing and reasoning to our emotional life as well, we get lost. Emotions cannot be rationalized that way. Because in the end, we have thought away our own feelings and no longer know what we want and need in our life.

Don't overthink your feelings. Welcome them instead. All emotions. Accept them as they are. And let them show you what you really need. With us, you get to do just that. Step down from the analysis and land in yourself. For a whole week.
Self-knowledge and self-awareness is one of the most valuable skills in the workplace. The ability to understand and accept one's own habits, failures, "triggers", desires and needs is a step towards becoming more well-being and thereby getting more and the right things done.

For those who lead and/or develop others (whether in a role as a formal manager, informal leader, teacher, workshop leader, senior role model or supervisor) one needs to broaden to assimilate more empathic qualities:

A leader with greater self-awareness is perceived as safer and more authentic.

A leader who has both landed in his own power and faced his vulnerability can accomplish more.

Becoming a better leader also includes admitting that you don't have the answer to everything, taking responsibility for your mistakes and wanting to develop.

Having knowledge of and having met one's strengths and weaknesses also increases credibility in meetings with other people; you become more effective as a leader.

A leader who has encountered many different sides, feelings and qualities in himself also has an easier time discovering it in others. It becomes easier to see the different employees with their needs, challenges and talents and to understand and meet them in what they are challenged in.

Effective employees and managers have realistic and insightful assessments regarding their own abilities, their own patterns and the impact they have on the environment. They are also aware of the cause of their own emotional reactions and how these affect thoughts, behaviors and decisions.