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Robert Kraft

Courses in personal development, self-awareness and inner leadership

Robert Kraft

After almost 20 years in various leading roles in the pharmaceutical industry, Robert changed his way and became an entrepreneur. Robert now sits on a number of company boards and works as an advisor and coach to other business leaders. In his spare time, Robert holds workshops on unconditional love and is a mental coach in sports.

An important part of Robert’s mission is to help his clients reflect on what’s going on inside when something happens on the outside. The interest in what causes people to act and react based on external circumstances, which it is often impossible to change, started when Robert took a course in personal development at Mullingstorp.

It means a lot to Robert to be able to contribute to people getting the opportunity to take a closer look at themselves through Vitalisera’s courses.

“When you start to reflect on yourself and why you react the way you do in different situations, a process of self-awareness that is difficult to resist starts. We all have a choice in every situation where we can let our ego or love prevail. It’s not what happens on the outside that determines how hard it is, but how we choose to deal with it on the inside. Everything is as it should be!”