
Lena Birath

Lena has played 58 international matches in the floorball national team and won EC and WC gold, WC silver and WC bronze. She has won three SM silvers, six SM bronzes and has been selected for the world floorball team. She has also played 11 international matches in the national bandy team. In 1985, she was named women's bandy player of the year in Sweden and in bandy she has won a SM gold and two SM silvers.

Lena has worked as a teacher and principal at the sports high school and has been a coach for men's and women's elite-level floorball teams. In 2011, she published her autobiography Livsresan. Today she works as a lecturer, process manager, coach and therapist in individual and group development for companies, organizations and private individuals.

Lena has trained as a psychosynthesis therapist for 4 years at the Academy of Psychosynthesis in Stockholm. She wants to create conditions for people to dare to grow and find balance in meeting themselves and others to contribute to increased self-awareness and efficiency.

"My hope is to be able to inspire and touch people with the help of my insights and experiences. In order to lead others, I must first be able to lead myself. I have a practice driving sign hanging around my neck…”