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Courses in personal development, self-awareness and inner leadership

2024. A brand new year is approaching.

This is usually a time for both endings and new beginnings.

A time for gratitude to others but also to oneself. What has been nice and good this year? What of this do you want to keep because it makes you feel good?

A time to break patterns. What have you done that has not benefited your well-being? How can you change and do differently?

A time for plans. What do you long for and what do you need more of? How can you make sure you listen to what you need?

We at Vitalisera would like to say a big thank you to you whom we met on our way in 2023. Both you who gave us the trust to support and guide you through the deep process that being a participant in our courses entails and you who enabled the inner journeys of others by being a course leader, group leader, assistant or cook with us.

By working with ourselves, we simultaneously work for a better world.

Of course, we also want to wish you a Happy New Year 2024. May your continued inner journey continue with new insights and a warm love for yourself and your inner child.

/Linda, Magnus, Malin, Robert

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